Venetus A (Marciana 454 = 822), folio 134, verso


⇽ Venetus A (Marciana 454 = 822), folio 134, recto | Venetus A (Marciana 454 = 822), folio 135, recto ⇾

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Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
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Texts on Folio 134v

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grc Homeric epic Iliad HMT project diplomatic edition online book,line urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:
τοι γὰρ ἐγώ τοι ταῦτα μάλ' ἀτρεκέως καταλέξω·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.427
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
πρὸς μὲν ἁλὸς . Κᾶρες καὶ Παίονες ἀγκυλότοξοι .urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.428
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Main scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:

Commentary Texts

πρὸς μὲν ἁλὸς καρες :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4505.lemma

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4505.lemma

ὅτι ὡς ὕστερον ἐληλυθότων τούτων μνημονεύει ὡς καὶ τῶν περὶ . τὸν Ῥῆσον οὐδεμίαν γὰρ αὐτῶν δια τοῦ μνήμην πεποίηται :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4505.comment

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4505.comment

Παίονες :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4506.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἔθνος Θρακῶν τινὲς δὲ φασὶ τοὺς νῦν καλουμένους Παννονίους ἕτεροι δὲ Μακεδόνας :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4506.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
καὶ Λέλεγες . καὶ Καύκωνες . δῖοῖ τε Πελασγοί ·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.429
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Main scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:

Commentary Texts

Λέλεγες :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4690.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἔθνος Καρικόν , λέγει δὲ τοὺς ἐν Πιδαίῳ πόλει Καρίας οικοῦντας ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4690.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
Καύκωνες ,urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4507.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἔθνος Παφλαγονίας οἱ δὲ Σκυθίας οἱ δὲ τοὺς λεγομένους Καυνίους ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4507.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
Πελασγοι :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4508.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
οἱ τὸ παράλιον μπερος τῆς Καρίας ἔχοντες . ἄμεινον δὲ λέγειν αὐτὸ γένος τί πολυπλανὲς οἰκῆσαν ἐν τῇ Ἀσίᾳ καὶ Εὐρώπῃ νῦν δὲ τὸ τῆς Τρωάδος πλησίον οἰκῆσαν ὃ φασὶ Τράλλεις ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4508.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
πρὸς Θύμβρης δ' ἔλαχον Λύκιοι · Μυσοί τ' ἀγέρωχοι .urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.430
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Main scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:

Commentary Texts

πρὸς θ ὕμβρης δ' ἔλαχον ,urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4509.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ὅτι οὐ μόνον ἐπὶ Ροδίων χρῆται τὸ ἀγέρωχοι ἕνεκα τοῦ ἀγείρειν τὴν ὀχὴν τουτέστι τὴν τροφήν , ἀλλ' επι Μυσὼν καὶ Τρώων οἷον γεραόχων σεμνῶν καὶ ἐντίμων :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4509.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
πρὸς Θύμβρης :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4510.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
πρὸς τὸ Θυμβραῖον πεδίον Θύμβρα γὰρ τόπος ἐστι τῆς Τροίας ἔνθα καὶ Θυμβραίου Ἀπόλλωνος ϊερὸν επιφανές ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4510.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
καὶ Φρύγες ἱ̈ππόδαμοι· καὶ Μῄονες ἱ̈πποκορυσταί·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.431
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Main scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:

Commentary Texts

καὶ Φρύγες ἱππόδαμοιurn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4511.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ὅτι ἑτέρους τῶν Τρώων οἰδεν τοὺς Φρύγας καὶ ὅτι Ὅμηρος οὐκ οῖδεν καλουμένους Λυδοῦς ἀλλα Μῃώνας προς τὰ περι ηλικίας Ησιόδου ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4511.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Intermarginal scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAim.hmt:

Commentary Texts

ἀρίσταρχ ἱππόμαχοι ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAim.hmt:10.4522.comment

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAim.hmt:10.4522.comment

ἀλλὰ τί η ἐμὲ ταῦτα διεξερέεσθε ἕκαστα .urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.432
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
εἰ γὰρ δὴ μέματον Τρώων καταδῦναι ὅμιλον .urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.433
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
Θρήϊκες οἷδ' ἀπάνευθε , νεήλυδες ἔσχατοι ἄλλων .urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.434
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Main scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:

Commentary Texts

νεήλυδες :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4512.lemma

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4512.lemma

νεωστὶ ἐληλυθότες ἤλυσιν γὰρ τὴν ἔλευσιν λέγουσιν ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4512.comment

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4512.comment

ἐν δέ σφιν Ῥῆσος βασιλεὺς . παῖς Ἠϊονῆος ·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.435
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Main scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:

Commentary Texts

ἐν δέ σφιν Ῥῆσος :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4513.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
Ῥῆσος . Ῥῆσος γένει μὲν ἦν Θρᾶξ υἷὸς δὲ Στρύμωνος τοῦ αυτόθι ποταμοῦ καὶ εὐτέρπης μιᾶς τῶν Μουσῶν . διαφορος δὲ τῶν καθ αυτὸν γενόμενος ἐν πολεμικοῖς έργοις . ἐπῆλθε τοῖς Ἕλλησιν ὅπως Τρωσὶ συμμαχήσῃ καὶ συμβαλῶν πολλοὺς τῶν Ἑλλήνων ἀπέκτεινας δείσασα δὲ ήρα περὶ τῶν Ελλήνων . Ἀθηναν επι τὴν τούτου διαφθορὰν πέμπει . κατελθοῦσα δὲ : ἡ θεὸς , Ὁδυσσέα τε καὶ Διομήδη επι τὴν κατσκοπὴν ἐποίησεν περοελθεῖν : ἐπιστάντες δὲ εκεῖνω κοιμω μένω Ῥήσω αὐτὸν τὲ καὶ τοὺς εταίρους αυτοῦ κτείνουσιν ὡς ἱστορεῖ Πίνδαρος : ἔνιοι δὲ λέγουσι νυκτος παρὰ γεγονέναι τὸν Ρῆσον εἰς τὴν Τροίαν καὶ πρὶν γεύσασθαι αὐτὸν τοῦ ὕδατος καὶ οἱ ἵπποι αυτοῦ τοῦ Σκαμάνδρου πίουσην καὶ τῆς αυτόθι νομῆς ἀκαταμαχητος εσται εἰς τὸ παντελὲές ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4513.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ὅσοι ἐκ Μουσῶν τίκτονται :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4521.lemma

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4521.lemma

Ορφεὺς , ἐκ Καλιώπης ἡ Κλειοῦς , Λῖνος Τερψιχόρης ἠ ὥς τινες Εὐτέρπης : Ῥῆσος Τερψιχώρης ἡ Εὐτερπης : Θρᾲξ Θαλλίας : Παλαίφατος , Ἐρατοῦς Θαμυρις ὁ Θρᾷξ Μελπομενης καὶ Ἀχελῴου . Σειρῆνες , Πολυμνιας Τριπτολεμος ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4521.comment

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4521.comment

τοῦ δὴ καλλίστους ἵ̈ππους ἴ̈δον . ἠδὲ μεγίστους·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.436
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
λευκότεροι χιόνος . θείειν δ' ἀνέμοισιν ὁμοῖοι·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.437
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Main scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:

Commentary Texts

λευκότεροι χειόνος θείειν δ' ἀνέμοισιν :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4514.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
δύο ὑπερβολὰς ενῆκεν ἐντεχνως : τὴν μεν ἐξ υπερθέσεως : τὴν δὲ ἐξ ωμοιώσεως : καὶ ἐφ εκατέρας παρέλαβεν το οικεῖον : χειονος μεν γαρ δύναταί τι λευκότερον γενέσθαι ἀνέμου δὲ θᾶσσον , οὐδέν επαινετὸν δὲ καὶ τὴν φράσην ὅτι κατ αιτιατικὴν δυναμενος εἰπεῖν λευκοτέρους χειόνος καὶ τοῦ μετρου επιδεχομενου κατ ιδίαν εφώνησε τὸν επαινον . πῶς ἐδώκει εἰδέναι ὅτι ταχεῖς εἰσὶν εἴ γε νεήλυδες ῆσαν ῆ ὡς ακούσας ἢ ὡς ἀποσεμνύνων ὡς καὶ σωθησομένων αυτῶν δια τῶν ἵππων μετα τὴν Θρᾳκῶν επαναστασιν ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4514.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
λευκότεροι χιόνοςurn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4515.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
εἶπεν , ἵνα φανῶσι νυκτός : θείειν δ' ἀνέμοισιν ὁμοῖοι ἵνα φθάσωσιν επ αυτὸν διασωθῆναι : ἵστεον δὲ ὅτι ἐμείωσε τὴν ὑπερβολὴν εκ τοῦ μὴ ειπειν αὐτοὺς καὶ τῶν ἀνέμων ταχυτέρους ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4515.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
χωριστέον τοῦ ἐπάνω στιχ ἵνα μὴ σώλοικον γένηται καὶ ἄλλως καθ εαυτὸ λεγόμενον πλείονα ἔμφασιν παρ' ἵστησι λείπει δὲ τὸ εἰσὶ ῥῆμα λευκότεροί εισι :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4516.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἅρμα δέ οἱ χρυσῷ τὲ καὶ ἀργύρῳ εὖ ἤσκηται·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.438
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
τεύχεα δὲ . χρύσεια . πελώρια· θαῦμα ἰ̈δέσθαιurn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.439
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Main scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:

Commentary Texts

τεύχεα :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4517.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ὅπλα : ειρῆσθαι δὲ αὐτὰ Ἵστρος φησὶ παρα τὸ ἐν Τευχίω τῷ Εὐβωϊκῶ κατεσκευᾶσθαι πρῶτον ὑπο Κυκλώπων ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4517.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἤλυθ' ἔχων . τὰ μὲν οὔ τι κατὰθνητοῖσιν ἔοικενurn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.440
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἄνδρεσσιν φορέειν . ἂλλ' ἀθανάτοισι θεοῖσιν·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.441
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἂλλ' ἐμὲ μὲν νῦν νηυσὶ πελάσσετον ὠκυπόροισιν·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.442
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἠέ με δήσαντες λίπετ' αὐτόθι νηλέϊ δεσμῷ .urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.443
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ὄφρά κεν ἔλθητον . καὶ πειρηθῆτον ἐμεῖο·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.444
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἤ ῥα κατ' αῖσαν ἔειπον ἐν ὑμῖν . ἠὲ καὶ οὐκί·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.445
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Main scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:

Commentary Texts

ῆ ρα κατ' αἷσαν :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4518.lemma
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ὅτι Ἀρίσταρχος ἠὲ κατ αῖσαν ἔειπον ἔξω τοῦ ρα καὶ ἔστιν ὅμοιον : τῷ ἠὲ μετα Τρώεσσιν ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4518.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Intermarginal scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAim.hmt:

Commentary Texts

ἀρίστ , ἢ ὲ καταῖσαν ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAim.hmt:10.4523.comment

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAim.hmt:10.4523.comment

προς τὸ οὐκί οτ ὑγιῶς δια τοῦ ψιλοῦ ἀντι στοίχου ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAim.hmt:10.4524.comment

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAim.hmt:10.4524.comment

τὸν δ' ὰρ ὑπόδρα ἰ̈δὼν προσέφη· κρατερὸς Διομήδης ·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.446
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
μὴ δή μοι φύξίν γε Δόλων ἐμβάλλεο θυμῷurn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.447
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Main scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:

Commentary Texts

μη δή μοι φυξίν γεurn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4519.lemma

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4519.lemma

ὅτι ζητεῖται πῶς τὸ ὄνομα ἔγνω δι ὃ τινὲς ἀνέγνωσαν δολῶν ὡς νοῶν . εξῆς μέντοι γε πάλιν λέγει οὓς νῶϊ πίφραυσκε Δόλων ὃν ἐπέφνομεν εἰκὸς δὲ τινων γινώσκεσθαι ὀνόματα ὡς ἂν δεκαετοῦς γεγονοτ χρόνου καὶ μάλιστα τοῦ Δόλωνος ἢν γὰρ κήρυκος υις πολύχρυσος πολύχαλκος ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4519.comment

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4519.comment

ἐσθλά περ ἀγγείλας . ἐπεὶ ΐκεο χεῖρας ἐς ἁμάςurn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.448
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
εἰ μὲν γάρ κέ σε νῦν ἀπολύσομεν . ἠὲ μεθῶμεν .urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.449
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἦ´ τε καὶ ὕστερον εῖσθα θοὰς ἐπὶ νῆας Ἀχαιῶν .urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.450
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
grc Iliadic scholia Main scholia of the Venetus A manuscript HMT project archival XML edition online book,scholion,part urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:

Commentary Texts

ἤ τε καὶ ὕστερον εἶσθαurn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4520.lemma

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4520.lemma

οὕτως ἐγένετο τὸ ῆσθα . εἰμι τὸ δεύτερον εῖς εῖτα εῖσθα ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4520.comment

No image for urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msA.hmt:10.4520.comment

ἠὲ διοπτεύσων . ἢ ἐναντίβιον πολεμίξων·urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0012.tlg001.msA:10.451
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636

Unaligned Texts

These texts are mapped to folio urn:cite2:hmt:msA.v1:134v, but are neither Iliadic lines, nor indexed as commenting on any particular Iliadic line.

νεωστι εληλύθότεςurn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAil.hmt:10.4534.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
οτ ἀπέλθητον :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAil.hmt:10.4539.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
νῦν οὐ μεγάλα ἀλλα κατ τὸ κάλλος τεράστια :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAil.hmt:10.4536.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἀπενέγκατε :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAil.hmt:10.4537.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἐλεύσῃ παραγενήσῃurn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAil.hmt:10.4541.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ὁ τρόπος ὑπερβολῆurn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAil.hmt:10.4535.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
σφοδρῶ ⁑urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAil.hmt:10.4538.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
ἐάσωμεν :urn:cts:greekLit:tlg5026.msAil.hmt:10.4540.comment
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
Venetus A: Marcianus Graecus Z. 454 (= 822), folio 134, verso. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a:VA134VN_0636 Rights String This image was derived from an original ©2007, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venezia, Italia. The derivative image is ©2010, Center for Hellenic Studies. Original and derivative are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. The CHS/Marciana Imaging Project was directed by David Jacobs of the British Library. urn:cite2:hmt:vaimg.2017a.rights:VA134VN_0636
Generated from file cex/hmt-2020g.cex. This is page 246 of 628 pages.
⇽ Venetus A (Marciana 454 = 822), folio 134, recto | Venetus A (Marciana 454 = 822), folio 135, recto ⇾